The Meet Cute Page 6
"Ok ok." Holding up her hands in mock surrender, Quinn smiled at her friend.
"Well, we didn't go out to a restaurant. Instead he planned this elaborate dinner on the rooftop of his apartment building, which has an amazing garden and views by the way."
"No way!!!! No friggin way! You have got to be kidding me! I really need to start hanging out in front of that bakery more often."
"Maybe I will also get lucky and stumble into the waiting arms of a sex god billionaire. What else? Come on, don't hold back, mama needs her romance fix."
Laughing at this analogy, Quinn decided that there was no harm in sharing a few more details. But there was no way she was telling Sarah that she had spent the night! She would never hear the end of it.
"Well, the food was devine and we even had our own personal waiter."
"I changed my mind." Holding up her hand Sarah turned to pour the coffee. "I don't think I want to hear anymore. Does he have a brother do you think?"
Laughing and taking a cup of fresh coffee from Sarah, Quinn took a sip before replying.
"Mmmm, I am not sure but I think he does have siblings. He talked about being the fixer in the family business so I assume there must be more brothers or sisters. I can ask him if you like?"
Grinning at Sarah, Quinn put down her coffee and turned on her laptop. She needed to get started on some reports she promised Logan, before it got too busy.
He was keen to get the ball rolling on their collaboration with Sexy Inc. and to tell the truth, so was she.
Sarah sighed dramatically. "No thanks.
With my luck, he will be the only son and all the other siblings will be sisters or balding, middle aged bachelors who still live with their mom."
Nearly spurting a mouth full of coffee over the open laptop, Quinn laughed until her stomach muscles ached.
"Who is being a drama queen now? Anyway, you can ask him yourself later. We are having lunch at the Deli. Do you mind covering for me for an hour or so?"
"Sure, why not? It's not like I have anything better to do during lunch. Being single and all."
Feeling relaxed whilst contentedly sipping on an ice cold lemonade, Quinn waited for Logan to arrive for their lunch date.
He had texted that he was running late and asked her to meet him at the Deli.
She was looking forward to seeing him. The now familiar butterflies fluttering in the pit of her stomach, she smiled as a shadow fell over the table.
Expecting to see Logan's sexy grin, she looked up and her face immediately fell when she saw who it was. Trevor Connors.
If it was up to her she would never have to see him again in her life.
But, unfortunately he was still on the town council and though she was no longer in need of a grant, he could make life difficult for her.
Pasting on a fake smile she greeted him coolly. "Mr. Connors. Nice to see you again."
"Ms. Cunningham! What an unexpected pleasure. May I sit down?"
Surprised by his friendly demeanor after what happened before, she didn't protest when he sat down uninvited. "What can I do for you Mr. Connors? I am waiting for someone so you will have to keep it short."
A speculative look in his eyes that she didn't like, he leaned back and studied Quinn as if he had all the time in the world.
Where was Logan?! She really didn't feel like dealing with this right now.
"I hear congratulations are in order Ms. Cunningham. Rumor has it you found the funding you were looking for from a " private" investor."
A cold tingle ran up Quinn's spine. The skin on her face was starting to feel tight from the effort of forcing a smile.
What was he implying and why had he emphasized the word "private" like that?
Not wanting to give too much away, she decided to play it cool.
"I am not sure where you got your information from Mr. Connors, but since the council denied my application for a grant, I really don't feel the need to explain my business affairs to you or anyone else."
Seemingly unphased by this reply, he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and looked around to see if anyone nearby was listening to their conversation.
Leaning forward, he spoke in a low voice meant only for Quinn's ears.
"I have my sources. And they tell me that you have recently signed a contract with Logan McKenzie to develop and expand your brand."
Not confirming or denying this, Quinn looked at him blankly and wondered what on earth the man was up to?
His furtive body language was making her feel very uncomfortable, but she was reluctant to get up and walk away before he got to the point of this whole performance.
He might just decide to come to the shop again to "discuss" it and she wanted to avoid that at all costs.
Glancing at her watch again, she crossed her arms and eyed him warily.
"I am unable to discuss any business relationships that may or may not have been formed between Mr. McKenzie's company and my own, but if there is a point to this conversation I wish that you would get to it before my date arrives Mr. Connors."
Not bothering to hide her anger any longer, Quinn glared at him before saying, "In fact, I think it would be better if you left. I am not sure what it is that you are insinuating but I am quickly losing patience with this conversation."
Holding out his hands apologetically, he rose to leave, an ever so slightly menacing tone to his voice now.
"I simply wanted to give you a friendly warning Ms. Cunningham. I take my position on the town council very seriously and I feel that it would be remiss of me not to warn you about Mr. McKenzie's reputation."
Rolling her eyes mentally at his inflated sense of self importance, she stubbornly refused to be baited.
Disappointed that Quinn did not ask him to explain further, he leaned forward conspiratorially before saying, "A word of warning Ms. Cunningham. I have heard some very disturbing rumors about Logan McKenzie's business dealings."
Folding his arms with a satisfied smile, Trevor waited for Quinn's reaction.
"And what exactly would these disturbing rumors be?"
Both Trevor and Quinn had been so intent on their conversation they did not notice Logan approaching. He had missed most of the conversation but heard enough to get the gist of it.
Quinn’s startled glance met Logan's cool furious one and she flinched.
"I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage Mr…? You seem to know me but I don't believe we've met." Trevor visibly paled at the icy tone and menacing look on Logan's face.
Craning his neck to look up at the tall imposing figure, he tried to regain his composure by holding out a hand for Logan to shake.
"Mr. McKenzie, nice to finally meet you. I have been trying to set up a meeting to discuss some very promising investment opportunities that the town council would like to present, but your office said your schedule is completely booked for two months in advance."
Ignoring Trevor's outstretched hand, Logan looked at Quinn and instead held out his hand for her to take, pulling her out of her seat and tucking her arm underneath his.
An angry flush on his face at the obvious snub, Trevor blocked their path when Logan moved to walk past with Quinn on his arm.
"With all the business your company is conduction in Faircliff at the moment Mr. McKenzie, I am sure you would prefer to keep relations between yourself and the town council on friendly terms."
Trevor smirked at Quinn, clearly believing that he had the upper hand.
She felt Logan's muscles flex against her arm and sucked in a breath as he took a step forward.
His face an impassive mask, Logan looked down at Trevor with disdain before speaking in a low controlled voice.
"I sincerely hope that was not a threat. Mr. Connors. I don't react very well to people threatening me or spreading malicious rumors behind my back."
Trevor blanched visibly and took a step back, almost stumbling over a chair at a nearby table.
"And fu
rthermore, any business you wish to discuss with me will first need to be directed to my local agent Mike Reynolds, as I am sure my office informed you when you contacted them."
"They have been instructed to refer all such queries directly to him."
Having delivered this final blow, Logan turned and gently led Quinn away from the Bistro and into the street.
His stride even and unhurried, only Quinn was aware of the tension emanating off the powerful body pressed closely against her.
Once he was sure they were out of sight, Logan pulled Quinn into his arms before asking, "Are you ok?"
Cradling the back of her head with one hand he gently tipped her chin up, his eyes searching her face.
"Did he touch you? Who was that Quinn? Has he approached you like this before?"
Feeling slightly rattled by the confrontation with Trevor and Logan's concerned look, Quinn took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a second.
"Quinn? If he touched you… I
I don't care who he is, he will never work in this town again."
Startled by the low possessive growl in his voice, Quinn opened her eyes and looked at him before replying, "I'm fine.
He didn't touch me. Trevor is on the town council and after they rejected my application for a grant he came to the shop trying to get me to go out with him in exchange for "helping" me to lodge an appeal."
Swearing under his breath, Logan looked away before meeting her eyes, softly brushing her cheek with the back of his hand.
"Why didn't you say anything? I would have handled it."
Flattered and touched by his concern, Quinn looked up at him and smiled.
"I appreciate that but there really is no need. Trevor is a bully and annoying as hell but I can handle him."
Swearing again before placing a soft kiss on her lips, Logan pulled back to look at her and sighed.
"Ok, but if he ever shows his face at the shop or approaches you again, you let me know. I will not allow him to use his position to intimidate you or any other woman for that matter."
Beaming at him now, Quinn reached up to drag his head down for a quick kiss.
"My knight in shining armour!"
Looking sheepish but pleased at the praise and the kiss, Logan grinned and laced his hand through hers before tugging her gently back onto the street.
"I promised you lunch, so let's go eat before I ravish you you right here on the street."
Laughing now, Quinn couldn't resist teasing him. "Maybe I want to be ravished. I seem to remember a certain kiss on the street not too long ago that I thoroughly enjoyed."
Growling at her he winked before replying, "Woman, don't tempt me. You are on dangerous territory. Let's go."
Walking back into his office two hours later, Logan picked up the phone and dialed Mike Reynold’s private number.
“Logan! Haven’t heard from you in over a week. I was about to send out a search party.”
Logan chuckled at Mike’s greeting.
“What can I say Mike? Had my hands full. Any issues I should know about?”
Ignoring Logan’s question he continued. “Wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain auburn haired damsel in distress that you asked me about, would it?”
Logan had always had a good relationship with Mike and they worked well together though he rarely asked for personal favours. No wonder Mike was curious.
“Yeah yeah, maybe. Listen, I need another favour.”
“Sure, anything for you boss. What do you need?”
“I need you to send me everything on a Faircliff council member called Trevor Connors.”
“No problem. You got it boss.”
“Thanks Mike. Let me know if you find anything interesting. I have a feeling Mr. Connors is trying to stir up trouble and I would like to know why.”
“Copy that, will be in touch as soon as I have anything. Cheers Logan.”
Slowly putting down the phone, Logan leaned back in his chair and frowned. He had no intention of letting this go, no matter what he had said to Quinn.
The man clearly had it in for him and on top of that, he had been harassing Quinn. That was unacceptable and he would get to the bottom of this, and soon. Logan’s work in Faircliff was wrapping up quicker than expected and he had some difficult decisions to make.
Things between Quinn and himself had gotten very serious, very fast and he needed some time to think of the best course of action. He wanted Quinn in his life on a permanent basis. That, he was sure of. But how to go about this without scaring her off?
His initial instincts about Quinn had been correct. She was a strong independent woman, and would not take kindly to being pressured or manipulated. Not that he wanted to force her into anything she didn’t want.
How was he going to convince her that his intentions were always honourable where she was concerned and had been from the start. Even if he had not realised it immediately himself.
Shaking his head he laughed quietly to himself. If only his brothers could see him now. They would be very amused at his current dilemma.
Out of all the Mcknezie brothers, Logan had always been the most steadfast and level headed. Never allowing his emotions to cloud his judgement or influence the decisions he made.
He ended affairs as quickly and efficiently as if they were business transactions. And just look at him now. Brought down by a pair of soulful amber eyes. How the mighty have fallen!
Not looking too upset by this revelation, Logan pressed the intercom button and asked his secretary to send in his three o’clock appointment, a rueful smile on his lips.
Quinn was staring at her laptop, trying and failing miserably to finish the stock take she had started after closing the shop.
She had sent a reluctant Sarah home earlier, needing time to think as she worked.
Eventually, finding it almost impossible to concentrate, she closed the laptop with a sigh and started packing up to leave.
Her phone chimed and she picked it up to read the message, smiling when she saw that she had received a text from Logan.
“Working late and thinking about you. Dinner at mine? Where are you? I’ll pick you up.”
Hesitating before typing a reply, Quinn thought about saying no. She really wanted to see Logan, but it might be better if they took a little break. She felt like she couldn't catch her breath these days, everything was happening so fast. Between work and Logan she had hardly spent any time at home recently and the strain was starting to wear her down.
“Feeling a bit tired. Need an early night.”
The reply came through immediately, almost as though he had known what she was going to say.
“No problem, we can swing by yours and get your things. You can spend the night. I promise to have in you bed by ten. Scouts honour.”
He didn’t give up easily, she’ll give him that.
“Fine, but I am holding you to that! And no funny business, I’ll sleep in the spare bedroom.”
Grinning at the thought of his reaction to this last part she waited to hear what he would come back with.
“You drive a hard bargain Ms. Cunningham! Ok ok. Spare bedroom, no funny business, got it. See you in ten.”
Waiting outside the shop ten minutes later, Quinn watched Logan pull up and get out to open the door for her, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before handing her into the passenger side. Luckily she was wearing pants today, so there were no accidental indecent exposure to worry about.
“Hi gorgeous, how are you?” Concentrating on maneuvering the car back into traffic, Logan gave her a smile before looking ahead again.
“Tired, but happy to see you.”
Smiling at this, Logan gave Quinn’s thigh a quick squeeze before placing his hand back on the steering wheel.
“Are you hungry?”
Quinn thought about it for a second before replying.
“I am actually. Not starving but I could defi
nitely eat.”
“Great! I am making pasta, it won’t take long to make but we still need to get your things.”
“Well, if I had known I was about to experience your cooking skills first hand, I would probably have said yes straight away.”
Logan laughed at this and turned to look at her speculatively before answering.
“Duly noted. But maybe you should wait until you taste my food before you get too excited.”
Quinn was enjoying his company and light banter, so when he pulled up in front of her cottage she turned to him before opening the door and getting out by herself.
“No need to open my door every time. I won’t be long, just give me five minutes.” She almost ran to her front door, rushing around and cramming what she thought she might need into a small overnight bag.
When she finally pulled the front door closed behind her again, Logan was there to take her bag and carry it to the car for her, opening the passenger door on his way to put her bag in the trunk.
Feeling a little unsettled at being lavished with this much care and attention, Quinn settled back and fastened her seatbelt as he pulled away from the curb.
She could definitely get used to this. But that was part of the problem. They had never really discussed whatever it was that was going on between them and Quinn was terrified.
What if this was just a casual fling to him? She hardly knew him at all really so it was impossible to gauge whether he acted like this with every other girl. She wanted to believe that she was special and that he felt the same way about her as she felt about him, but maybe she was just fooling herself.
Resolved to bring it up over dinner, no matter how awkward, Quinn allowed Logan to help her out of the car when they arrived at his apartment building a few minutes later.
Holding her hand all the way up in the elevator and only letting it go to unlock the front door, he walked straight down the hall and placed her bag in the spare bedroom, just as he had promised.
Quinn smiled at him and stood on tiptoe to give him a quick kiss on the lips. But instead of letting her go, Logan’s arms wound around her back and pulled her closer as he deepened the kiss.